Monday, 26 March 2012


Snowboarding is hard. I have recently been learning to snowboard at xscape and have found through going on holiday last week that xscape does not prepare you for mountain snowboarding.

Thursday, 8 March 2012


I have found that you should always plan ahead when it comes to arranging holidays. If i had thought properly through my requirements that i would have for this year at university i may not have booked a snowboarding holiday the week before exams.

Friday, 2 March 2012


Recently BEd 3 have been taking part in serial days at their placement schools. We found out our class, class teachers and carried out observations. It still amazes me how different every class can be. If anyone has any tips for classroom management they would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Assessments and Reading

Something that I have always struggled with throughout my studies is handling the vast amount of reading materials available when trying to such for appropriate sources of information. Does anyone have any tips for searching for information and filtering out the irrelevant? Thank you x

Saturday, 18 February 2012


I often wonder what it will/would be like to be a primary teacher. Obviously our course is meant to prepare us for the world of work. We experience the stresses and strains as well as the success and feeling of accomplishment. Honestly I don't think any amount of practise will prepare me for doing paper work on a Saturday.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


Today in our tutorial we made a mock newspaper. I found that this would be a great activity to carry out with children in classroom as they will develop their collaboration skills as they will need to decide roles and responsibilities before beginning the task and ensure coherence throughout their newspaper. They will also benefit by developing their problem solving skills as they are required to distribute assignments then edit and draft the newspaper together and decide what news should go onto what page.

Monday, 13 February 2012

The Cold

I have recently caught the dreaded cold virus. All I feel like doing is sleeping but needs must and I must go to uni and work. Booo xxx

Thursday, 9 February 2012


I noticed on wednesday that when you walk in the door of the David Stow building that they are giving away copies of some curriculum documents and thought this was very useful as assignments and exams are coming up. The only one that I could not see was the Building the Curriculum 4 so might need to get this online. x

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Find out our Placement Schools

I always get a strange feeling when I find out where I will be on Placement. I get nervous thinking about the staff and pupils and if we will we get on or will the pupils see me as someone the can ignore? I also feel excited about the types of lessons and classes I will be taking.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Creativity and ICT

Some may find this a bit random but I am trying to get organised and catch up on any uni work I may have missed and this was an question from my first week in my elective class that I had still to answer. What is creativity and how can we use ICT to aid creativity? (If anyone has anything they would like to add to this please feel free need all the information I can get.)

I think that creativity is how we individually approach a given task. The end result may turn out the same in some cases but most people look at how to get there in different ways. Some people see shortcuts and quick ways of getting there where as others see a drawn out process which will give them the best results. Everyone can be creative it is merely a process of thought. ICT encourages creativity as it provides tool for people who may be required to do a certain task but do not have the skills to complete it without assistance. Take for example something as simple as making a poster, if you cannot draw doing this by hand it may turn out bland and boring whereas with the help of the internet and simple computer programs it could turn out a piece of art.

Sunday, 22 January 2012


I logged into my GLOW account today to have a little look around and realised how easy it is to forget some of the things we are taught. I used GLOW in my first year elective class and have forgotten how to do half of the things I had learned. Will need to look out those old notes. x

Monday, 16 January 2012


I had my first snowboarding lesson today. It was really fun although I fell quite a few times. It was a great workout and I can't wait to do my next lesson. xxx

Friday, 13 January 2012

End of the holidays

I don't know how everyone else is getting on but I must say I am severely struggling getting back to normal after the holidays. This covers getting back into the habit of university, having to cut back on spending as tight for cash and no wanting to eat a whole box of chocolates in one sitting. x